There are many beautiful and interesting things to do on Colorado's Central Plains, just outside your back door. We'd like you to enjoy all of them, no matter your age or your interests. Whether you enjoy photography as an artistic medium or as a hobby, there are plenty of subjects for you in Cheyenne, Elbert, Kit Carson and Lincoln counties.
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Call 800-825-0208 for more information or email ddascalos@comcast.net for group tours.
Discover Our Journey
Prairie Living
Here on Colorado's Central Plains, you can plug in or power down at your own pace.
Work from home, raise a family, build friendships, and connect to great communities.
Upcoming Events
Planning your trip from Memorial Day through Labor Day?
Look at the latest events for Cheyenne, Elbert, Kit Carson and Lincoln counties.
Off The Beaten Trail
Colorado’s Central Plains Museums are open Memorial Day through Labor Day.
From September through May we invite you to explore the area by visiting antique shops, taking photos and exploring our Off the Beaten Trail geocaching sites.