
There are many beautiful and interesting things to do on Colorado's Central Plains, just outside your back door. We'd like you to enjoy all of them, no matter your age or your interests. Whether you enjoy photography as an artistic medium or as a hobby, there are plenty of subjects for you in Cheyenne, Elbert, Kit Carson and Lincoln counties.

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Call 800-825-0208 for more information or email ddascalos@comcast.net for group tours.


There are many beautiful and interesting things to do on Colorado’s Central Plains, just outside your back door. We’d like you to enjoy all of them, no matter your age or your interests.

Whether you enjoy photography as an artistic medium or as a hobby, there are plenty of subjects for you in Cheyenne, Elbert, Kit Carson and Lincoln counties. If you are intrigued by the past, local history museums and great antiquing opportunities are just some of the fun you’ll encounter along the way.

Here we’re offering you different ideas for potential stops, but feel free to loiter along the way. Your trip could be as short as visiting some place new for lunch to as long as a unique weekend adventure. Check us out! There’s always something to see and do on Colorado’s Central Plains... and we’re much closer than you might think!

» Be sure to print your FREE Journey Tour Card!

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