Museums on Colorado's Central Plains opening Memorial Day through Labor Day and are free with the password "Our Journey." Learn more!

Old Town’s Wild West Dinner Theatre

Old Town Museum

Old Town's Wild West Dinner Theatre. Western Supper 6:30PM followed by an old-fashioned melodrama with a gunfight. Reservations Required. Call 719-346-8404 or email Old Town Museum, Burlington

El Paso County Wagon Train

El Paso County Wagon Train. Check in at 7:00 am. Pancake breafast & church service. Depart Ramah Dam at 10:00 am & return 3:00 pm. Bailey ranch, 1 mile north of Simla

Annual Pioneer Fourth Celebration

Annual Pioneer Fourth Celebration. 10AM-3PM. Museum Open House, live music, pie baking contest, silent auction, games & more. 515 Comanche St., Kiowa, CO

Flagler Community Fourh of July

Flagler Community Fourth of July. Games, horseshoes, pie, BBQ & fun run. 8AM. Second Central School, Flagler, CO

Elbert Day Festival

Elbert day Festival 8AM-7PM. Canyon Station Band 3-7PM. Town Square, Elbert